
School Chinese Русский
School Chinese Русский


  Under the background of global integration, Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN), which was initiated by China University of Petroleum- Beijing, declared its establishment on September 22, 2018 in Beijing. The 28 members are competitive energy universities from 16 countries all over the world.

  Adhering to the concept of "Interconnection and Interworking, Openness and Tolerance, Collaborative Innovation and Win-win Cooperation", the Network will impel the process of creating an educational community in the global energy field, promote exchanges and cooperation between countries and regions in the energy field based on oil and gas, and serve the economic and social development. The purpose of WEUN is to establish a cooperative platform for discipline education, academic exchange and resource sharing in the field of energy, especially in the fields of oil and gas. The content of the cooperation includes but not limited to:

  ·         Chinese and foreign cooperation in running schools and joint training of students;

  ·         Joint scientific research, including the establishment of international joint laboratories and scholarly academic exchanges;

  ·         International summer schools, faculty exchange visits and students' short-term exchanges;

  ·         Academic conferences, seminars, web conferences, reports and lectures;

  ·         Non official diploma education project.

  Under the framework of WEUN, the members will achieve resource sharing, mutual benefit and cooperation, jointly promote scientific research and education in the energy industry, facilitate academic, economic and cultural exchanges and enhance the popularity of the people. It will strive for the building of "a Community of Shared Future for Mankind".



  To promote systematic cooperation between the universities in the Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN) under the global energy development trend, including China University of Petroleum-Beijing.



  -          To promote the cooperation between WEUN members and enhance their competitiveness in the field of international energy;

  -          To promote the training of high level knowledge-based professionals in WEUN members in the energy field;

  -          To unremittingly and systematically promote the mutual recognition, sharing courseware and academic exchanges between WEUN members including China University of Petroleum-Beijing in the energy field, which includes exchanging students and faculties, cooperating in scientific research, formulating educational projects, establishing centers and building innovative platforms;

  -          To increase the international students and visiting scholars between WEUN members;

  To promote scientific teaching and research cooperation between WEUN members in the energy field through organizing youth academic exchanges, summer camps and quiz competitions.
