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2018/07-至今 凯时(北京)理学院,教授

2018/12-2019/12 加拿大麦克马斯特大学,公派会见

2013/07-2018/06 凯时(北京)理学院,副教授

2011/09-2013/06 凯时(北京)理学院,讲师

2008/09-2009/08 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校数学系,国家公派团结作育

2009/09-2011/07 北京邮电大学理学院,盘算机软件与理论,博士

2001/09-2005/07 北京航空航天大学理学院,数学与应用数学,学士

现主要从事可积系统、随机微分方程、非线性波动问题以及人工智能算法的研究,已在国际SCI期刊以第一作者和通讯作者揭晓学术论文30余篇,其中中科院JCR区论文3篇、二区论文5篇,ESI高被引论文5篇,累计SCI他引次数达600余次。担当Physica DPhysics Letters AJournal of Physics AOptics CommunicationsPhysica ScriptaNonlinear DynamicsWave Motion等国际期刊的审稿人,被Journal of Physics Communications期刊评为“2018年优异评审人”。



[1] 非局域非线性薛定谔模子的准确孤子解及其在PT对称光学中的应用(1170 5284),国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2018/01-2020/12,认真人

[2] 随机混淆动力系统的渐近性子及其应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11371371),2014/01-2017/12,加入人。

[3] 核磁共振测井、油气藏数值模拟及动力系统中若干前沿数学问题的理论和应用研究,凯时(北京)理学院优异青年西席研究项目(ZX20150109),2015/01-2017/12,认真人。

[4] 非匀称等离子体中阿尔文孤波及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金理论物理专款资助项目(11247267),2013/01-2013/12,认真人。

[5] 孤子解的多耦合Wronski行列式结构和代数性子,凯时(北京)青 年拔尖人才科研启动基金项目(BJ-2011-04),2011/09-2014/08,认真人。


[1] Min Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Tao Xu* and Lingling Li, Asymptotic analysis and soliton interactions of the multi-pole solutions in the Hirota equation, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89, 054004, 2020. (SCI收录)

[2] Bowen Li, Tao Xu, Jianjun Liu and Min Li, Approximate analytical description for the nonlinear PT-symmetric coupled-mode equations, European Journal of Physics 41, 025305, 2020. (SCI收录)

[3] Min Li, Xiaolu Yue and Tao Xu, Multi-pole solutions and their asymptotic analysis of the focusing Ablowitz-Ladik equation, Physica Scripta, 95(5), 055222, 2020. (SCI收录)

[4] Tao Xu, Yang Chen, Min Li and De-Xin Meng, General stationary solutions of the nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger equation and their relevance to the PT-symmetric system, Chaos 29, 123124, 2019. (SCI收录)

[5] Tao Xu and Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Darboux transformation and soliton solutions of the semi-discrete massive Thirring model, Physics Letters A 383(32), 125948, 2019. (SCI收录)

[6] Tao Xu, Sha Lan, Min Li, Ling-Ling Li, Guo-Wei Zhang, Mixed soliton solutions of the defocusing nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Physica D, 390, 47-61, 2019. (SCI收录)

[7] Min Li*, Juan-Juan Shui, Tao Xu. Generation mechanism of rogue waves for the discrete nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 83, 110-115, 2018. (SCI收录,1区,ESI高被引论文和热门论文)

[8] Tao Xu, Min Li, Yehui Huang, Yang Chen, Chen Yu, Nonsingular localized wave solutions for the nonlocal Davey-Stewartson I equation with zero background, Modern Physics Letters B 31(35), 1750338:1-11, 2017. (SCI收录)

[9] Tao Xu, Changjing Liu, Fenghua Qi, Chunxia Li, Dexin Meng, New double Wronskian solutions of the Whitham-Broer-Kaup system: Asymptotic analysis and resonant soliton interactions, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 24(1), 116-141, 2017. (SCI收录)

[10] Tao Xu, Hengji Li, Hongjun Zhang, Min Li, Sha Lan, Darboux transformation and analytic solutions of the discrete PT-symmetric nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 63, 88-94, 2017. (SCI收录,ESI高被引和热门论文)

[11] Min Li, Tao Xu*, Dexin Meng, Rational solitons in the parity-time-symmetric nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger model, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85(12), 124001, 2016. (SCI收录)

[12] Min Li, Huan Liang, Tao Xu*, Changjing Liu, Vector rogue waves in the mixed coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger equations, European Physical Journal Plus 131(4), 100, 2016. (SCI收录)

[13] Min Li, Tao Xu, Lei Wang and Feng-Hua Qi, Nonautonomous solitons and interactions for a variable-coefficient resonant nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 60, 8–13, 2016. (SCI收录,ESI高被引论文)

[14] Min Li, Tao Xu and Lei Wang, Direct perturbation analysis on the localized waves of the modified nonlinear Schr?dinger equation under nonvanishing boundary condition, Modern Physics Letters B, 30, 1650179, 2016. (SCI收录)

[15] Min Li, Tao Xu*, Dark and antidark soliton interactions in the nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger equation with the self-induced parity-time symmetric potential, Physical Review E 91(3): 033202, 2015. (SCI收录,ESI高被引论文)

[16] Tao Xu, Min Li, Lu Li, Anti-dark and Mexican-hat solitons in the Sasa-Satsuma equation on the continuous wave background, Europhysics Letters 109(3): 30006, 2015. (SCI收录)

[17] Min Li, Tao Xu*, Lei Wang, Dynamical behaviors and soliton solutions of a generalized higher-order nonlinear Schr?dinger equation in optical fibers, Nonlinear Dynamics 80(3): 1451-1461, 2015. (SCI收录)

[18] Xiao Zha, He Sun, Tao Xu*, Xiang-Hua Meng, Heng-Ji Li, Soliton interactions of the “good” Boussinesq equation on a nonzero background, Communications in Theoretical Physics 64(4), 367-371, 2015.

[19] Tao Xu, Dan-Hua Wang, Min Li, Huan Liang, Soliton and breather solutions of the Sasa-Satsuma equation via the Darboux transformation, Physica Scripta 89(7), 075207: 1-7, 2014. (SCI收录)

[20] Tao Xu, Fu-Wei Sun, Yi Zhang, Juan Li, Multi-component Wronskian solution to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 54(1), 97-113, 2014. (SCI收录)

[21] Tao Xu, Xiang-Min Xu, Single- and double-hump femtosecond vector solitons in the coupled Sasa-Satsuma system, Physical Review E 87, 032913:1-6, 2013. (SCI收录)

[22] Tao Xu, Yi Zhang, Fully resonant soliton interactions in the Whitham- Broer-Kaup system based on the double Wronskian solutions, Nonlinear Dynamics 73(1/2), 485-498, 2013. (SCI收录)

[23] Tao Xu and Xiang-Min Xu, On the N-th iterated Darboux transformation and soliton solutions of a coherently-coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger system, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A 68, 261-271, 2013. (SCI收录)

[24] Jing-Wei Liang, Tao Xu*, Min-Yan Tang, Xiao-Dong Liu, Integrable conditions and inhomogeneous soliton solutions of a coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger system with distributed coefficients, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14(1): 329-339, 2013.

[25] Tao Xu, Bo Tian and Feng-Hua Qi, Bright N-soliton solution to the vector Hirota equation from nonlinear optics with symbolic computation, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A 67, 39-49, 2012. (SCI收录)

[26] Tao Xu, Bo Tian, Yu-Shan Xue and Feng-Hua Qi, Direct analysis of bright soliton collisions in the focusing vector nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Europhysics Letters 92, 50002:1-6, 2010. (SCI收录)

[27] Tao Xu and Bo Tian, Bright N-soliton solutions in terms of the triple Wronskian for the coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger equations in optical fibers, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43, 245205:1-18, 2010. (SCI收录)

[28] Tao Xu and Bo Tian, An extension of the Wronskian technique for the multicomponent Wronskian solution to the vector nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 033504:1-21, 2010. (SCI收录)

[29] Tao Xu, Bo Tian, Hai-Qiang Zhang and Juan Li, Integrable decompositions for the (2+1)-dimensional Gardner equation, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 61, 293-308, 2010. (SCI收录)

[30] Tao Xu, Bo Tian, Cheng Zhang, Xiang-Hua Meng and Xing L¨u, Alfvén solitons in the coupled derivative nonlinear Schr?dinger system with symbolic computation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 415201: 1-14, 2009. (SCI收录)

[31] Tao Xu, Bo Tian, Li-Li Li, Xing Lu and Cheng Zhang, Dynamics of Alfvén solitons in inhomogeneous plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 15, 102307:1-6, 2008. (SCI收录)

[32] Tao Xu, Juan Li, Hai-Qiang Zhang, Ya-Xing Zhang, Wei Hu, Yi-Tian Gao and Bo Tian, Integrable aspects and applications of a generalized inhomogeneous N-coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger system in plasmas and optical fibers via symbolic computation, Physics Letters A 372, 1990-2001, 2008. (SCI收录)

[33] Tao Xu, Hai-Qiang Zhang, Ya-Xing Zhang, Juan Li, Qian Feng and Bo Tian, Two types of generalized integrable decompositions and new solitary-wave solutions for the modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with symbolic computation, Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 013501:1-19, 2008. (SCI收录)

[34] Tao Xu, Juan Li, Hai-Qiang Zhang, Ya-Xing Zhang, Zhen-Zhi Yao and Bo Tian, New extension of the tanh-function method and application to the Whitham-Broer-Kaup shallow water model with symbolic computation, Physics Letters A 369, 458-463, 2007. (SCI收录)

[35] Tao Xu, Chun-Yi Zhang, Guang-Mei Wei, Juan Li, Xiang-Hua Meng and Bo Tian, Symbolic-computation construction of transformations for a more generalized nonlinear Schr?dinger equation with applications in inhomogeneous plasmas, optical fibers, viscous fluids and Bose-Einstein condensates, The European Physical Journal B 55, 323-332, 2007. (SCI收录)

[36] Tao Xu, Chun-Yi Zhang, Juan Li, Xiang-Hua Meng, Hong-Wu Zhu and Bo Tian, Symbolic computation on generalized Hopf-Cole transformation for a forced Burgers model with variable coefficients from fluid dynamics, Wave Motion 44, 262-270, 2007. (SCI收录)

[37] Tao Xu, Chun-Yi Zhang, Juan Li, Hai-Qiang Zhang, Li-Li Li and Bo Tian, Inelastic interaction and non-traveling-wave effects for two multi-dimensional Burgers models from fluid dynamics and astrophysics with symbolic computation, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A (Physical Sciences) 61, 652-660, 2006. (SCI收录)
