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1 Provincial virtual energy-water use and its flows within China: A multiregional input-output approach ÁÖÂÌ Resources, Conservation and Recycling EI 7.0444 2
2 Å©µØ³Ð°üı»®È¨ÎȹÌÐÔ¶ÔÅ©»§½Õ¸Ñ»¹ÌïÐÐΪµÄÓ°Ïì ¸ßÁ¢ ×ÊÔ´¿Æѧ CSSCI

3 Is China able to export its developmental model? Upstream¨Cdownstream integration in Sino¨CAfrican petroleum engagement ÍõÏþ¹â TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS REVIEW ESCI

4 The impact of China's electricity price deregulation on coal and power industries: Two-stage game modeling Áõ»Û»Û Energy Policy SCIE,EI 4.8795 1
5 An integrated supplier selection approach incorporating decision maker¡¯s risk preference using ANN, AHP and TOPSIS methods Óí´ºÏ¼ KYBERNETES SCIE,EI 1.3812 4
6 Öйú×ÔÈ»Æø²úÁ¿Öкã¾Ã×ßÊÆÕ¹ÍûÑо¿ Íõ½¨Á¼ ú̿¾­¼ÃÑо¿ CSTPCD

7 Á½´óÒòËØ»òÒ»Á¬Ó°ÏìʯÓÍÊг¡ ѦÇì Öйúʯ»¯±¨ ±¨¿¯ÎÄÕÂ

8 Many-objective optimization of technology implementation in the industrial symbiosis system based on a modified NSGA-III ²ÜÜ° JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCIE,EI 6.3946 1
9 ÎÒ¹úȼÆøÉÏÊй«Ë¾²ÆÎñÕ½ÂÔÆÀ¼Û¡ª¡ª»ùÓÚ²ÆÎñÕ½ÂÔ¾ØÕóÊÓ½Ç Õź£Ï¼ ²Æ»áÔ¿¯ ±±´óÖÐÎĽ¹µãÆÚ¿¯

10 Indirect network effects in China¡¯s electric vehicle diffusion under phasing out subsidies ÖìÀö¾§ APPLIED ENERGY SCI,EI 8.4256 1
11 Water Footprint Assessment for Coal-to-Gas in China Íõ½¨Á¼ NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH SCIE 2 3

13 ¹â·ü´¢ÄܵçÕ¾µÄ¾­¼ÃÐÔÆÊÎö ·ëÏþÀö µç¹¤µçÄÜÐÂÊÖÒÕ CSTPCD

14 ÎÒ¹ú×ÔÈ»Æø·¢µç¹¤ÒµÉú³¤¼°Æ䶨¼Û»úÖÆÑо¿¡ª¡ª¼æÎöÃÀ¹úºÍÅ·ÃËÔö½ø×ÔÈ»Æø·¢µç¹¤ÒµÉú³¤µÄÂÄÀú×ö·¨ Òó½¨Æ½ ¼ÛÇ®ÀíÂÛÓëʵ¼ù ±±´óÖÐÎĽ¹µãÆÚ¿¯

15 Transport oil product consumption and GHG emission reduction potential in China: An electric vehicle-based scenario analysis Ö£Óñ»ª PLOS ONE SCIE 2.776 3
16 Extracting core questions in community question answering based on particle swarm optimization ÀîÃ÷ DATA TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS SCIE 0.8679 4
17 An integrated sustainable supplier selection approach using compensatory and non-compensatory decision methods Óí´ºÏ¼ Kybernetes SCIE 1.3812 4
18 An overview of world geothermal power generation and a case study on China-The resource and market perspective ÏÄÁ¼Óñ RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS SCIE,EI 10.5557 1
19 Does the Structural Power of Business Matter in State Capitalism?: Evidence from China's Oil Politics under Xi Jinping ÍõÏþ¹â PACIFIC FOCUS SSCI

20 ÖØ´óÍøÂçϽðÈÚ»ú¹¹µÄϵͳÐÔΣº¦Ñо¿ ÆëÃ÷ ÊÖÒÕ¾­¼ÃÓëÖÎÀíÑо¿ ±±´óÖÐÎĽ¹µãÆÚ¿¯

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22 Residential property price differentials of waste plants: evidence from Beijing, China ÷Ӧµ¤ APPLIED ECONOMICS SSCI


24 ÂÌÉ«½ðÈڿγ̰¸Àý½Ìѧʵ¼ùÑо¿ ÁÖÂÌ ´óѧ½ÌÓý

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26 »ùÓÚÖйúÉÏÊй«Ë¾Ñù±¾µÄÆóÒµÉç»áÔðÈÎÓëÆóÒµÊг¡¼ÛÖµ¹ØϵµÄʵ֤Ñо¿ ÕÅè¯ ÖÎÀíѧ±¨ CSSCI

27 ¡°µ÷·åÆø¼Û¡±ÊµÊô¸ôÑ¥ðþÑ÷ ³ÂÊغ£ ÖйúʯÓÍʯ»¯ CSTPCD

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33 ÉÏÊй«Ë¾Ë°ÊÕ¹æ±Ü¶Ô×ÊÔ´½á¹¹µÄÓ°ÏìÑо¿ Íõ«˜ ²ÆóÑо¿ CSSCI

34 Impacts of carbon tax and tradable permits on wind power investment in China ÕÔÏþÀö Renewable Energy SCIE,EI 5.4391 2
35 Óª¸ÄÔö¶ÔÐÅÏ¢ÊÖÒÕЧÀÍÒµÊÖÒÕÁ¢ÒìµÄÓ°ÏìÑо¿¡ª¡ª»ùÓÚÄ£ºý¶Ïµã»Ø¹éÆÊÎö Íõ«˜ Ë°ÎñÑо¿ CSSCI

36 ÓÍÆø¹«Ë¾Êг¡¼ÛÖµµÄ¾öÒéÒòËØÆÊÎö¡ª¡ª»ùÓÚÃÀ¹úÉÏÊÐÓÍÆø¹«Ë¾µÄʵÀýÑо¿ Ö£Óñ»ª ×ÔÈ»ÆøÓëʯÓÍ CSTPCD

37 A group decision making approach for sustainable supplier selection using extended TOPSIS under interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy environment Óí´ºÏ¼ EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS SCIE,EI 4.2923 2
38 Human Capital and the Re-employment of Retrenchment Labor in Urban China ÁºÚSÁá Review of Development Economics SSCI


40 ÃæÏòÓû§¸öÐÔ»¯ÐèÇóµÄÔÆЧÀÍÉÌÍƼö Óí´ºÏ¼ ¹¤Òµ¹¤³Ì ±±´óÖÐÎĽ¹µãÆÚ¿¯

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42 An approach to grading coalbed methane resources in China for the purpose of implementing a differential production subsidy ÏÄÁ¼Óñ Petroleum Science SCIE 1.8462 2
43 How OECD countries subsidize oil and natural gas producers and modeling the consequences: A review ÕÔÐñ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews SCI 10.5557 1
44 ÉÏÊй«Ë¾Ë°ÊÕ¹æ±Ü¶ÔÏÖ½ð³ÖÓÐˮƽ¼°¼ÛÖµµÄÓ°ÏìÑо¿ Íõ«˜ ±±¾©¹¤ÉÌ´óѧѧ±¨(Éç»á¿Æѧ°æ) CSSCI

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46 ÐèÇó²à·¦Éƿɳ »ù±¾ÃæÆóÎÈÏòºÃ ѦÇì ÖйúʯÓͱ¨ ±¨¿¯ÎÄÕÂ

47 Leadership-building dilemmas in emerging powers¡¯ economic diplomacy: Russia¡¯s energy diplomacy and China¡¯s OBOR ÍõÏþ¹â Asia Europe Journal SSCI

48 ¡°×îÑÏȼÓͳµÐÂÕþ¡±¼ÓËÙÐÐҵϴÅÆ Õź£Ï¼ ÖйúʯÓÍʯ»¯ º£ÄÚÒ»Ñùƽ³£ÆÚ¿¯

49 Does climate matter? An empirical study of interregional migration in China ¸ßÁ¢ PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE SSCI

50 Effect of China's energy conservation efforts on reducing health damage. ÑîêØ Energy Procedia EI

51 ÖйúLNGÉÌҵΣº¦¼°Ó¦¶ÔÕ½ÂÔÆÊÎö ¸ß½¨ ¶ÔÍ⾭óʵÎñ º£ÄÚÒ»Ñùƽ³£ÆÚ¿¯

52 Investment strategy of hydrothermal geothermal heating in China under policy, technology and geology uncertainties ÕÅÆæ Journal of Cleaner Production SCIE,EI 6.3946 1
53 ²ÆÎñ±¨¸æÆÊÎö¿Î³Ì¶àά½ÌѧµÄÁ¢ÒìÓëʵ¼ù Íõ«˜ ÉÌÒµ»á¼Æ º£ÄÚÒ»Ñùƽ³£ÆÚ¿¯

55 How the removal of producer subsidies influences oil and gas extraction: A case study in the Gulf of Mexico ÕÔÐñ Energy SCI,EI 5.5371 2
56 Indirect network effects in China's electric vehicle diffusion under phasing out subsidies ÖìÀö¾§ Applied Energy SCI,EI 8.4256 1
57 Study on indirect network effects on the construction of electric vehicle charging piles based on game theory analysis ÖìÀö¾§ Energy Procedia EI

58 A blockchain-based service composition architecture in cloud manufacturing Óí´ºÏ¼ International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing EI 2.0904 3
59 Carbon Palma Ratio: A new indicator for measuring the distribution inequality of carbon emissions among individuals ÅËÑ«ÕÂ Journal of Cleaner Production EI 6.3946 1
60 A group decision making sustainable supplier selection approach using extended topsis under interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy environment (vol 121, pg 1, 2018) Óí´ºÏ¼ EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS SCIE,EI 4.2923 2
61 A group decision making sustainable supplier selection approach using extended TOPSIS under interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy environment Óí´ºÏ¼ Expert Systems with Applications SCIE,EI 4.2923 2
