1.Xiaoli Zhao, Xueying Yu, Ying Wang, Chunyang Fan. Economic Evaluation of Health Losses from Air Pollution in Beijing, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI,IF:2.828), published on line, 2016, 3, 5. 1-13.
2.Xiaoli Zhao, Yue Zhao, Saixing Zeng, Sufang Zhang. Corporate behavior and competitiveness: Impact of environmental regulation on Chinese firms, Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI&SSCI,IF:3.59),2015, 86(1), 311-322.
3.Xiaoli Zhao, Haitao Yin [ Corresponding author: E-mail: haitao.yin@gmail.com], Yue Zhao. Impact of Environmental Regulations on the Efficiency and CO2 Emissions of Power Plants in China. Applied Energy(SCI,IF:5.106), 2015, 149(1), 238-247
4.Xiaoli Zhao, Chunbo Ma. Deregulation, vertical unbundling and the performance of China's large coal-fired power plants. Energy Economics (SSCI,IF:2.538), 2013, 40, 474-483.
5.Xiaoli Zhao, Qian Ma, Rui Yang. Factors influencing CO2 emissions in China's power industry: Co-integration analysis. Energy Policy(SCI & SSCI,IF:2.575). 2013, 57, 89-98.
6.Xiaoli Zhao, Sufang Zhang, Yasheng, Zou, Jin Yao. To what extent does wind power deployment affect vested interests? A case study of the Northeast China Grid. Energy Policy (SCI & SSCI,IF:2.575), 2013, 63, 814-822.
7.Xiaoli Zhao, Longli Wu, Sufang Zhang. Joint environmental and economic power dispatch considering wind power integration: Empirical analysis from Liaoning Province of China. Renewable Energy (SCI, IF: 3.476), 2013, 52, 260-265.
8.Xiaoli Zhao,Na Li, Chunbo Ma. Residential energy consumption in urban China: A decomposition analysis. Energy Policy (SSCI& SCI,IF:2.575), 2012, 41, 644-653.
9.Xiaoli Zhao, Thomas P. Lyon, Feng Wang, Cui Song. Why do electricity utilities cooperate with coal suppliers? A theoretical and empirical analysis from China. Energy Policy (SSCI& SCI,IF:2.575), 2012, 46, 520–529.
10.Xiaoli Zhao, Thomas P. Lyon, Cui Song. Lurching towards markets for power: China’s electricity policy 1985-2007. Applied Energy (SCI/SSCI,IF:5.106), 2012, 94: 148-155.
11.Xiaoli Zhao, Sufang Zhang, Rui Yang,Mei Wang. Constraints on the Effective Utilization of Wind Power in China: an Illustration from the Northeast China Grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviewers (SCI/SSCI,IF:6.018), 2012, 16 (1), 4508-4514.
12.Xiaoli Zhao, Feng Wang, Wang Mei. Large-Scale Utilization of Wind Power in China: Obstacles of Conflict between Market and Planning. Energy Policy(SCI & SSCI,IF:2.575),2012, 48, 222-232.
13.Xiaoli Zhao,Haitao Yin. Industrial Relocation and Energy Consumption: Evidence from China. Energy Policy (SSCI& SCI, IF: 2.575), 2011, 39, 2944-2956.
14.Xiaoli Zhao, Chunbo Ma,Dongyue Hong. Why did China’s Energy Intensity Increase during 1998-2006: Decomposition and Policy Analysis. Energy Policy (SSCI& SCI,IF:2.575), 2010,38:1379-1388.
15.Xiaoli Zhao, Rui Yang, Qian Ma. China’s total factor energy efficiency of provincial industrial sectors. Energy (SCI/SSCI, IF:4.844), 2014, 65(1), 52-61.
16.Xiaoli Zhao* S. F. Zhang,C. Y. Fan. Environmental externality and inequality in China: current status and future Choices. Environmental Pollution (SCI, IF: 3.730), 2014, 190, 176-179.
17.Chunbo Ma*, Xiaoli Zhao. China's Electricity Market Restructuring and Technology Mandates: Plant-level Evidence for Changing Operational Efficiency. Energy Economics (SSCI, IF: 2.538), 2015, 47,227-237.
18.Sufang Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao, Philip Andrews-Speed, YongxiuHe. The development trajectories of wind power and solar PV power in China: A comparison and policy recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 26, 322–331 (SCI,IF: 6.018).
19.Sufang Zhang, Philip Andrews-Speed, Xiaoli Zhao. Political and institutional analysis of the successes and failures of China’s wind power policy. Energy Policy(SCI & SSCI, IF:2.575), 2013, 56, 331–340.
20.Sufang Zhang, Philip Andrews-Speed, Xiaoli Zhao, Yongxiu He. Interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy: A critical analysis of China's policy approach to renewable energies. Energy Policy(SCI & SSCI, IF:2.575), 2013, 62, 342–353.
21.S. F. Zhang*, L.Wang,WWang, X.L.Zhao. Review of China's wind power firms internationalization : Status quo, determinants, prospects and policy implications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI/SSCI, IF: 6.018), 2015, 43, 1333-1342.
22.Ming Meng,Wei Shang, Xiaoli Zhao, Dongxiao Niu, Wei Li. Decomposition and forecasting analysis of China's energy efficiency:An application of three-dimensional decomposition and small-sample hybrid models. Energy (SCI/SSCI, IF: 3.651), 2015, 89, 283-293
23.赵晓丽*,赵越,姚进. 差别类型情形管制政策对企业行为影响差别——来自钢铁企业和电力企业的实证剖析. 科研治理(焦点期刊,CSSCI),2015,36(10),130-138. 国家自然科学基金委治理科学部指定A类期刊.
24.赵晓丽*,范春阳,王予希. 基于修正人力资源法的北京市空气污染物康健损失评价. 中国生齿资源与情形,2014,3, 169-176.
25.赵晓丽,王玫, 赵越, 吴秋兵. 基于火电机组容量差别的调峰辅助效劳赔偿机制刷新模子. 电力系统自动化(EI检索),2013,37(4), 57-61.
26.赵晓丽*,马骞,马春波. 电力工业厂网脱离刷新对火电企业效率影响的实证剖析. 中国软科学(CSSCI刊源),2013,2,184-192.
27.赵晓丽*,李娜. 中国住民能源消耗结构转变剖析. 中国软科学(CSSCI检索),2011,11,40-51.
28.赵晓丽*,赵越,王玫. 演化经济学视角下的情形管制政策与企业竞争力. 治理学报(CSSCI刊源), 2013, 10(4), 602-611.
29.赵晓丽*,姚进,刘志文,宋翠. 基于ABM模子的企业低碳行为治理模式转变剖析. 治理谈论(CSSCI刊源), 2013, 25(10),91-99.
30.赵晓丽*,胡雅楠. 中国都会化历程中影响CO2排放的政策剖析. 北京理工大学学报(社科版)(CSSCI刊源),2013,15(1): 5-11.
31.赵晓丽*,芦红. 影响风电优先调理的体制障碍及政策研究. 宏观经济治理(CSSCI),2013,12,46-48.
32.赵晓丽*,乞建勋.煤电企业供应链相助冲突规制模子,中国治理科学(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2008,4: 96-103.
33.赵晓丽*,乞建勋. 供应链差别相助模式下相助利益分派机制研究—以电煤供应链为例,中国治理科学(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2007,4: 70-76.
34.赵晓丽*,洪东悦. 中国对外商业结构转变对能源消耗的影响:基于结构因素剖析法的剖析.财贸经济(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2009,9:102-107.
35.赵晓丽*,胡军峰,史雪飞. 外商直接投资行业漫衍对中国能源消耗影响的实证剖析.财贸经济(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2007,3: 117-120.
36.赵晓丽*,洪东悦. 中国国际商业结构转变对能源消耗影响的敏感性剖析.国际商业问题(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2009, 7: 11-20.
37.赵晓丽*,洪东悦. 中国节能政策演变与展望. 软科学(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2010,24(4): 29-33.
38.赵晓丽*,洪东悦. 开放经济条件下中国节能政策的交织效果剖析. 亚太经济(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2010,4, 93-98.
39.赵晓丽*. 供应链相助价值创立中的生意本钱经济学理论,今世财经(焦点期刊,CSSCI收录期刊),2008,2:13-16,54.
40.赵晓丽*, 王顺昊. 基于CO2减排效益的风力发电经济性评价. 中国电力(CSCD检索,焦点期刊),2014, 47(8), 154-160.
41.赵晓丽*,杨睿. 调峰权生意对增进风电并网发电的激励作用. 手艺经济(一级学会期刊, CSSCI扩展期刊),2013,11,93-98.
42.Zhao Xiaoli*, Yao Jin, Hu Yanan. The various impacts of Wind Power and Thermal Power Generation on Economic Development: A Case Study of Jilin Province. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 805-806 (2013) pp 316-319 (EI检索).
43.胡军峰,赵晓丽*,欧阳超. 北京市能源消耗与经济增添关系研究. 统计研究,2011, 28(3): 79-85.
44.王玫,赵晓丽*. 中国风电生长经济政策回首与剖析. 中国能源,2011,10,10-14.
45.赵晓丽*,洪东悦. 基于SDA法的能源消耗影响要害要素剖析, 手艺经济(一级学会期刊, CSSCI扩展期刊),2010, 9: 42-49.
46.赵晓丽*,杨娟. 影响天下与北京工业能源消耗的要害要素比照剖析, 中国能源(焦点期刊), 2009, 5: 19-25.
48.宋翠,赵晓丽*. 降低CO2排放的中国能源生长路径剖析, 中国能源(焦点期刊),2010,32(7),33-36.
1.赵晓丽. 《东北电网风电并网发电政策研究》北京,中国电力出书社,2013年9月,250千字. ISBN号:978-7-5123-3964-4
2.赵晓丽. 《工业结构调解与节能减排》. 北京:知识产权出书社, 2011年5月. 295千字. ISBN号:978-7-5130-0433-6
3.赵晓丽. 《电煤供应链相助与冲突机理研究》,哈尔滨工业大学出书社,2008年7月. 218千字. ISBN号:978-7-5603-2699-3.