[1] 以焦炉煤气为燃料的SOFC/CCHP系统性能基础研究,国家自然基金面上项目。
[2] 地面集输系统用能剖析与评价系统研究,中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,横向。
[3] 600-660MW级直接空冷机组防冻及优化节能系统研发,北京拓普泰达科技有限公司,横向。
[4] 燃气轮机及其团结循环用能剖析与评价研究,北京桦盛恒利工程设计有限公司,横向。
[5] 5.350MW超临界供热机组直接空冷系统节能、防冻及优化控制应用研究,中国华电集团有限公司,科技立异项目。
[6] 柴油气化式SOFC发电系统研发,上海中弗新能源科技有限公司,军转民研发项目。
[1] Qinlong Hou, Hongbin Zhao*, Xiaoyu Yang. Thermodynamic Performance Study of the Integrated MR-SOFC-CCHP System. Energy 2018;150:434-450. SCI收录(IF5.182)、EI 收录.
[2] Hongbin Zhao*, Ting Jiang, Hucan Hou. Performance analysis of the SOFC-CCHP system based on H2O/Li-Br absorption refrigeration cycle fueled by coke oven gas. Energy 2015;91:983-993. SCI收录(IF5.182)、EI 收录.
[3] Hongsheng Zhang, Hongbin Zhao*, Zhenlin Li.Thermodynamic performance study on solar-assisted absorption heat pump cogeneration system in the coal-fired power plant.Energy 2016; 116:942-955. SCI收录(IF5.182)、EI 收录.
[4] Hongsheng Zhang, Zhenlin Li, Hongbin Zhao*. Thermodynamic performance analysis of a novel electricity-heating cogeneration system (EHCS) based on absorption heat pump applied in the coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management 2015;105:1125-1137. SCI收录(IF5.472)、EI 收录.
[5] Hongsheng Zhang, Hongbin Zhao*, Zhenlin Li. Performance analysis of the coal-fired power plant with combined heat and power (CHP) based on absorption heat pumps. JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 2016;89:70-80. SCI收录(IF3.204)、EI 收录.
[6] Hongbin Zhao* and Yun Bai. Thermodynamic performance analysis of the coal-fired power plant with solar thermal utilizations. International Journal of Energy Research 2014; 38(11):1446–1456. SCI收录(IF2.418)、EI 收录.
[7] 赵洪滨,杨倩,江婷,杨微.SOFC-团结循环系统性能剖析. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35(5): 848-853. EI收录.
[8] 赵洪滨,江婷,杨倩,杨微.以焦炉煤气为燃料的SOFC-CCHP系统热力性能剖析. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35(9): 688-1693. EI收录.