

Student Affairs

"100 reasons to love Beijing" theme short video competition in 2020


Sponsor: Information Office of Beijing Municipal People's Government


Contractor: Beijing International Studies University


Collection of works


In 2020, "100 reasons to fall in love with Beijing" theme short video competition will tell the "latest, most beautiful and best" Beijing story in the form of short video from the perspective of foreigners, create a sustainable and communicable brand model of "falling in love with Beijing", shape a good image of Beijing, and contribute to the construction of Beijing Cultural Center and international communication center.


1. Scope of solicitation:


The competition is for foreigners in Beijing to collect short video works with the theme of "reasons for falling in love with Beijing".


2. Short video requirements:


It has the following advantages: unlimited form and genre; duration less than 5 minutes; MOV or MP4 format; resolution of 1080p (1920 × 1080); size not exceeding 500MB; no watermark added; copyright belongs to the Information Office of Beijing Municipal People's government.


3. Competition method:


Fill in the application form (Annex 1) and send it to xzq@cup.edu.cn no later than Jan 15, 2021

(see Annex 1 and 2 for details)


Email title and entry Form Document naming requirements: BJVIDEO-Chinese name-student number, such as "BJVIDEO-Xiaoming-201888888888".



4. Preliminary examination of works:


The collected works will pass the preliminary examination of the expert group, and the works that pass the preliminary examination will be regarded as the shortlisted works and enter the expert selection process.


5. Public voting:


Through the first review, the works will be displayed through official channels (thematic web pages, WeChat, Weibo, Tik Tok, Kuaishou and other platforms). Netizens can vote like through the official thematic web pages to support their favorite works.


Review time: March 1 - March 20, 2021


Awards: 1 Grand Prize, 1 First Prize, 2 Second Prizes, 3 Third Prizes, 1 Best Creativity Award, 1 Best Photography Award, 1 Best Score Award, 1 Best Performance Award, 1 Best Script Award And 1 Best Art Award.


Annex 2 application receipt form.docx
