


孙漪霏  ,男  ,19894月生  ,汉族  ,河北省邯郸市人  ,博士  ,讲师 。2019年获凯时(北京)化学工程与手艺专业博士学位 。现为化学工程系西席  ,所在学科为化学工程与手艺  ,主要研究偏向为自然气水合物开发、CO2地质封存相关的应用基础研究 。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项  ,中国博士后科学基金特殊资助(站中)1项  ,中国博士后科学基金面上资助1项 。2022年入选凯时(北京)青年拔尖人才 。在海内外期刊揭晓论文30余篇  ,授权发明专利2项 。



(1) Sun Yi-Fei, Cao Bo-Jian, Zhong Jin-Rong, et al. Gas production from unsealed hydrate bearing sediments after reservoir reformation in a large scale simulator, Fuel, 2021, 308:121957.

(2) Sun Yi-Fei, Zhong Jin-Rong, Chen Guang-Jin, et al. A new approach to efficient and safe gas production from unsealed marine hydrate deposits. Applied Energy, 2021, 282:116259.

(3) Sun Yi-Fei, Wang Yun-Fei, Zhong Jin-Rong, et al. Gas hydrate exploitation using CO2/H2 mixture gas by semi-continuous injection-production mode, Applied Energy, 2019, 240: 215-225.

(4) Sun Yi-Fei, Zhong Jin-Rong, Li Rui, et al. Natural gas hydrate exploitation by CO2/H2 continuous injection-production mode, Applied Energy, 2018, 226: 10-21.

(5) Sun Yi-Fei, Zhong Jin-Rong, Li Wen-Zhi, et al. Methane recovery from hydrate-bearing sediments by the combination of ethylene glycol injection and depressurization. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(7):7585-7594.
